
Showing posts from March, 2019

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Options

Overview: A man is considered to have erectile dysfunction if he often finds it is difficult getting or keeping a firm enough erection that allows you to have sex, or if it interferes with different sexual interest. Most men have occasionally experienced some trouble with their penis become hard or staying firm. But, erectile dysfunction (ED) is most effective considered a challenge if satisfactory sexual performance has been impossible on some of occasions for some time.   Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosis: For many men, a physical exam and answering questions (scientific records) are all it is wanted for a physician to diagnose erectile disorder and recommend a treatment. When you have chronic health conditions or your doctor suspects that an underlying condition might b involved, you may need further tests or a consultation with a specialist. Tests for underlying conditions might include: ·         Physical exam.   This could encompass careful examination of you

Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Mihir Bapat to Get the Best Spine Treatment

Overview: Back pain is the most common reason people self- treat and seeking medical advice. It is studied to affect approximately three in four individuals at some stage in their lifetime. When we talk about back pain we mean pain that originates in the spine anywhere between the upper and lower back. Endoscopic spine surgery is a type of state-of-the-art surgery that uses small tubular system or micro incisions, assisted with an endoscope for visualization. This type of minimally-invasive spine surgery offers patients with quicker recuperation and less pain than traditional spine surgical procedure. Endoscopic spine surgical operation is a true minimally invasive technique that has revolutionized the treatment of back and neck pain. Conditions treated using MIS procedures ·         Degenerative disc disease ·         Herniated disc ·         Lumbar spinal stenosis ·         Spinal deformities such as scoliosis ·         Spinal infections ·         Spinal ins

Dr. Jaydeep H. Palep - Right Bariatric Surgeon for You and Your Family

Overview: Obesity occurrence is the highest it has ever been. There’s absolute no doubt that weight problems is a major cause of a number of severe and potentially life-threatening disease. Laparoscopic gastric banding is surgical procedure to help with weight loss. The surgeon places a band across the top part of your stomach to create a small pouch to hold foods. The band limits the amount of food you may consume by making you feel full after eating small amount of food .After surgery, your doctor can alter the band to make food pass more slowly or quickly thru your stomach. What’s the difference between open and laparoscopic surgical procedure? In open bariatric surgery, surgeons make a single, massive cut in the stomach. More often, surgeons now use laparoscopic surgical procedure, wherein they make several small cuts and insert thin surgical equipment thru the cuts. Surgeons also insert a small scope connected to a camera that projects pictures onto a video displ

Speciality of Dr. Pradeep Bapurao Bhosale in India

Overview:   Orthopedics is a clinical specialty that specializes in the analysis, correction, prevention, and treatment of patients with skeletal deformities - disorders of the bones, joints, muscle groups, ligaments, tendons, nerves and skin. These factors make up the musculoskeletal system. Modern surgery has developed to such an volume that the body of expertise and technical abilities required have led to surgeons specializing particularly areas, commonly an anatomical area of the body or occasionally and then in a selected technique or form of patient. Surgical Treatment   Orthopaedic surgeons perform numerous types of surgeries. Common procedures include:  Arthroscopy —surgeries that make use of special cameras and equipment to visualize, diagnose and treat issues inside a joint.  Fusion —a joining process by which bones are fused together with bone grafts and internal devices (such as metal rods) to heal into a single solid bone.  internal fixation —a way to keep the broken

What Are The Available Treatment Options For Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

Overview Erectile disorder (ED), additionally called impotence, influences half of the men within the age of 40 – 70 years.  It’s far described as the incapability to achieve or keep an erection long enough to have sex, and most men experience in this sooner or later in their lives. However, if you have been facing this for a while, you can consider treatment for erectile dysfunction in India. It is an affordable solution with no side-effects. ED can have many causes which are either physical or psychological. Oral Medications For Erectile Dysfunction In addition to Viagra, other ED drugs available include avanafil (Stendra), tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra). These all improve blood supply to the penis. In combination with sexual stimulation, the medication can produce an erection enough to initiate and complete sex. There is also a fast-dissolving form of Levitra, referred to as Staxyn that you put beneath your tongue. One ED drug, Cialis, is FDA-approved

Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

How can I treat erectile dysfunction? #Lifestyle changes Your  doctor   may additionally   recommend   that you make lifestyle adjustments to lessen or enhance ED. You can ·         quit smoking  ·         limit or stop drinking alcohol  ·         increase   physical activity  and  maintain  a  specific body  weight ·         stop illegal drug use  #Go to counseling In case your  erectile  disorder  is  because of   stress ,  anxiety  or  despair  — or the  condition  is  creating   strain  and  relationship tension — your doctor might suggest that you go to a psychologist or counselor. How do doctors treat erectile dysfunction? #Change your medicines If a medicine you need for any other health situation is inflicting ED, your doctor can also advise a distinctive dose or different medicine. #prescribes medicines you take by mouth:   Oral medications are a successful erectile dysfunction treatment for many men. They include: ·